Leaving a legacy

Many people think about it. Fewer people act on it. Together, we can help you navigate it.

"Leaving a Legacy" is not just for the affluent. Many people are passionate about causes. Many people support causes on a regular basis. So why not help build your charity into your donor' long-term financial plan?

Did you know?

  • There are 1,043,225 charities in the United States and Canada.

  • Americans and Canadians donated $226 billion to charities in 2011.

  • The data over time shows that the percentage of Americans and Canadians donating to charity has been declining

  • Only 4.0% of the $41 trillion being passed from one generation to the next through estate planning in North America is being left to charity


There is a Giving Gap the Giving Gap is the difference between the giving potential of a donor and the gift that is actually made.

Top 3 reasons for the Giving Gap

  • The Donor is unsure how much he or she can afford to give.
  • The Donor doesn't understand all of the ways to give.
  • Donations are often made in isolation without taking into account the bigger financial picture.

For a Donor to maximize his or her giving potential, the donors, the advisors and the beneficiaries must be focused on one common goal - Navigating the Legacy

How can GIFTABULATOR® help?

GIFTABULATOR® is the perfect ice-breaker for starting a conversation about estate and philanthropic planning. With this interactive, intuitive and easy-to-use app you and your fundraising team will be able to illustrate for any donor their capacity for giving. Every scenario is customized for the individual enabling donor to the see in real terms how each and every decision will

  • impact them personally
  • impact their  beneficiaries
  • impact their  legacy

GIFTABULATOR® is easy to understand, easy to use and easy to explain.

GIFTABULATOR® is the compass that will help your donors reach their financial goals while giving back to the community.

Show donors...

  • How they can best support your charity without impacting their lifestyle.
  • How a donation to your charity can help them minimize their taxes and those of their beneficiaries.
  • How they can ensure that their values and beliefs are reflected in their estate planning choices.
  • How their potential to give back is based on their assets as opposed to their income.